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Industry Report of 自動車

Industry Report: Automotive Market Insights


This industry report provides insights into the automotive market, with a focus on the "自動車" industry. The report includes high-quality, visualized, and infographic tables that offer valuable information on various aspects of the automotive industry.

Selected Infographics

1. Automotive Gear Market Overview

Automotive Gear Market Overview
Source: Market Research Future

This infographic provides an overview of the automotive gear market, showcasing its size, share, and growth potential. It offers a visual representation of the market's key statistics and trends.

2. Automotive Semiconductor Market Overview

Automotive Semiconductor Market Overview
Source: Market Research Future

This infographic highlights the automotive semiconductor market, focusing on its size, share, and growth prospects. The visualized data provides valuable insights into the semiconductor industry within the automotive sector.

Automotive Engine Market Trends and Forecast

This infographic presents trends and forecasts for the automotive engine market. It offers a comprehensive view of the market's growth potential and key factors influencing its development.

4. Cars Increasingly Ready for Autonomous Driving

Cars Increasingly Ready for Autonomous Driving
Source: Statista

This infographic showcases the readiness of cars for autonomous driving. It provides valuable insights into the adoption of autonomous technologies in the automotive industry.


The selected infographics offer a comprehensive overview of the automotive market, with a specific focus on the "自動車" industry. These visualized and infographic tables provide valuable insights into various aspects of the industry, including market size, trends, and technological advancements.

Industry Report

Global Automotive Industry Overview


The global automotive industry has experienced significant challenges in recent years, primarily due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This section provides an overview of the industry's performance, including production, sales, and export trends. It also highlights the growth of the electric vehicle market and its impact on the overall industry.

Impact of COVID-19 on Production and Sales

In 2020, worldwide motor vehicle production witnessed a sharp decline of 15.4% compared to the previous year. This decline can be attributed to travel restrictions and a general decline in economic activity caused by the pandemic. Passenger car production experienced a more significant drop of 16.9%, while commercial vehicle production decreased by 11.6%. This marks the third consecutive year of negative growth in global automotive vehicle production.

The International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers reported major declines in production across all manufacturing regions. The most significant decreases were observed in Latin America (24.8%), Western Europe (24%), and North America (20.3%). Similarly, vehicle sales data revealed a similar trend, with passenger car sales registering a year-on-year drop of 15.9% and commercial vehicle sales declining by 8.7%.

Certain regions experienced even more significant declines in passenger car sales. Latin America witnessed a decline of 29.3%, followed by the NAFTA region (28.9%), Africa (24.7%), and Western Europe (21.1%). These declines can be attributed to the impact of the pandemic on consumer spending and overall economic activity.

Impact on Export Trade

The COVID-19 pandemic also had a significant impact on motor vehicle exports. Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East witnessed almost complete standstill in vehicle exports, with export totals being more than 97% below their 2019 levels. Other regions experienced export decreases of 40-50%. These export declines can be attributed to the disruption in global supply chains and the implementation of travel restrictions.

Growth of the Electric Vehicle Market

Despite the challenges faced by the overall automotive industry, the electric vehicle (EV) market experienced significant growth in 2020. Global EV sales increased by 39% compared to 2019, reaching a total of 3.2 million units. This growth boosted the total global EV stock to 11.3 million units.

Germany emerged as the second-largest market for EV sales, surpassing the United States in 2020. China remained the largest market for EV sales. Norway stood out as the top country in terms of electric vehicle sales share, with 75% of cars sold in the country being electric. Sweden, the Netherlands, and Denmark also witnessed significant shares of electric vehicle sales.


The global automotive industry faced significant challenges in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Production and sales experienced sharp declines across all regions. However, the electric vehicle market showed resilience and witnessed impressive growth

Automotive Industry Forecast for 2023


The automotive industry has faced numerous challenges in recent years, including supply chain shortages, inflation, and interest rate hikes. However, the outlook for 2023 is more promising, particularly for electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers. This industry report provides an overview of the automotive industry's forecast for 2023 based on market research conducted by ABI Research.

Automotive Industry Slowdown in 2022

In 2022, the market for new vehicles experienced a slowdown, with a year-over-year sales decline of -2.2%. This decline can be attributed to ongoing supply chain constraints and higher car prices. The demand crisis driven by severe macroeconomic headwinds further exacerbated the situation. Automakers had to increase the prices of their vehicles due to supply chain shortages and rising inflation, making it more difficult for consumers and enterprises to finance new cars or commercial vehicles. While North America (-6.7%) and Western Europe (-2.4%) experienced poor car sales performance, Asia-Pacific managed to achieve a modest growth of 2.7%.

Overall Vehicle Sales Rebound in 2023

The automotive industry is expected to make a modest return to growth in the next two years. With most automakers and suppliers reporting that their production capacity is no longer constrained by semiconductor shortages, or that shortages will be overcome in early 2023, overall vehicle sales figures are projected to increase. ABI Research forecasts global vehicle sales growth of 5.1% in 2023 and 3.3% in 2024. It is anticipated that sales will return to the highwater mark of 90 million+ in 2025. Regionally, North America's sales volume is expected to grow by 6%, Western Europe by 6.2%, and Asia-Pacific by 4.3%.

Resilient Consumer Electric Vehicle Sales

Despite the challenges faced by the automotive industry, the consumer Electric Vehicle (EV) market, including Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs), has performed exceptionally well. In 2022, electric vehicle sales grew by 60.8% worldwide (10.7 million EV sales) compared to 2021. This trend is expected to continue in 2023, albeit at a slower pace. EV shipments are projected to grow at a 17.8% year-over-year rate, reaching 12.7 million shipments by the end of 2023. The consumer EV market in 2023 is expected to be nearly four times larger than it was in 2020.

Factors Driving EV Sales

The success of EV sales can be attributed to several factors. Technological advancements, such as improvements in EV battery density and longer driving ranges, have made electric vehicles more appealing to consumers. Additionally, there is a growing availability of EV models in higher-volume vehicle segments. Unlike traditional internal combustion engine vehicles, EVs do not rely on larger process node/legacy technologies that can delay

Competitive Landscape of the Automotive Industry


The automotive industry is highly competitive, with several major players dominating the market. This section will provide an overview of the competitive landscape in the automotive industry, focusing on the top companies in the industry.

Major Players in the Automotive Industry

1. Toyota Motor Corporation

Toyota Motor Corporation is one of the largest and most successful companies in the automotive industry. It is headquartered in Toyota, Aichi, Japan and is part of the Toyota Group, which is one of the largest conglomerates in the world. Toyota produces a wide range of vehicles under various brand names, including Toyota, Lexus, Scion, Daihatsu, and Hino Motors. The company is known for its innovative hybrid vehicles and has a strong presence in both developed and emerging markets.

2. General Motors

General Motors, also known as GM, is an American-based auto manufacturer headquartered in Detroit, Michigan. It was the world's largest automaker from 1931 to 2008 and is one of the oldest and most established companies in the industry. GM produces cars and trucks under various brand names, including Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick, and GMC. The company went through a major restructuring in 2009 and emerged from bankruptcy with a smaller and leaner organization.

3. Volkswagen AG

Volkswagen AG is a Germany-based automobile manufacturer and is one of the largest companies in the industry. It produces vehicles under various brand names, including Volkswagen, Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, SEAT, Skoda, Scania, and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles. Volkswagen has a strong presence in both passenger cars and commercial vehicles and has been experiencing record sales in recent years.

4. Hyundai Motor Company

Hyundai Motor Company is a Korean multinational auto manufacturer based in Seoul. It is the leading carmaker in South Korea and produces a wide range of vehicles, including compact and luxury cars, SUVs, minivans, trucks, and buses. Hyundai has a strong presence in emerging markets such as China and India and has been experiencing steady growth in total sales.

5. Ford Motor Company

Ford Motor Company is an American-based auto manufacturer headquartered in Dearborn, Michigan. It is one of the largest automakers in the world and has a strong presence in North America. Ford produces cars and trucks under the Ford and Lincoln brands and operates about 70 plants worldwide. The company has been focusing on increasing its production capacity and expanding its presence in emerging markets.

6. Honda Motor Co.

Honda Motor Co. is a Japanese auto manufacturer that is known for its fuel-efficient and low emissions vehicles. The company produces a wide range of vehicles under the Honda and Acura brands, including sedans, SUVs, minivans, and trucks. Honda has a strong presence in both Japan and overseas markets and has been increasing its production capacity to meet the growing demand for its vehicles.



Risks in the Automotive Industry


The automotive industry is undergoing significant changes and facing various risks that can impact its operations, profitability, and reputation. This section of the industry report will explore some of the key risks faced by the automotive industry based on the information provided.

Emerging Technological Risks

The automotive industry is experiencing rapid technological advancements, which present both opportunities and risks. Some of the key technological risks include:

1. Autonomous Vehicles

The development and deployment of autonomous vehicles pose significant risks to the automotive industry. While autonomous vehicles have the potential to transform transportation systems, there are concerns about their safety, cybersecurity vulnerabilities, and legal and regulatory challenges. Incidents such as accidents involving autonomous vehicles can lead to reputational damage and legal liabilities for automakers.

2. Electric Vehicles

The shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) brings new risks to the automotive industry. The industry needs to address challenges related to battery technology, charging infrastructure, and supply chain disruptions. Additionally, the increasing demand for EVs raises concerns about the availability and sustainability of critical raw materials used in battery production.

3. Connected Cars

The integration of advanced connectivity features in cars, such as internet connectivity, navigation systems, and entertainment services, introduces cybersecurity risks. Connected cars can be vulnerable to hacking, data breaches, and unauthorized access, potentially compromising the safety and privacy of drivers and passengers.

Safety and Liability Risks

Safety is a critical concern in the automotive industry. Failure to address safety risks can lead to accidents, injuries, and fatalities, resulting in legal and financial consequences. Some of the safety and liability risks include:

1. Product Defects

Defective automotive parts or systems can pose serious safety risks. Automakers need to ensure the quality and reliability of their products to prevent recalls, lawsuits, and reputational damage. The increasing complexity of vehicle components, especially in advanced technologies like autonomous driving systems, requires stringent testing and quality control measures.

2. Regulatory Compliance

The automotive industry operates under strict regulations related to safety standards, emissions, and environmental impact. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in penalties, fines, and damage to the brand reputation. Automakers need to stay updated with evolving regulations and invest in compliance management systems.

3. Supply Chain Risks

The automotive industry relies on complex global supply chains, which can be vulnerable to disruptions. Natural disasters, geopolitical tensions, trade disputes, and supplier bankruptcies can disrupt the timely delivery of parts and components, leading to production delays and financial losses. Automakers need to have robust supply chain management strategies and contingency plans to mitigate these risks.

Environmental Risks

Environmental concerns and sustainability are increasingly important in the automotive industry. Failure to address environmental risks can impact the industry's social license to operate and consumer perception. Some of the environmental risks include:

1. Climate Change Regulations

Regulations aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting fuel efficiency can significantly impact

Challenges Faced by the Automotive Industry

The automotive industry has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, facing numerous challenges that have disrupted the sector. From manufacturing shutdowns to less vehicle sales, the industry has had to navigate through a range of obstacles. In this section, we will explore the top challenges faced by the automotive industry during the post-COVID-19 era.

Manufacturing Shutdowns

One of the most significant challenges that the automotive industry has faced during the pandemic is manufacturing shutdowns. With the implementation of social distancing protocols and nationwide lockdowns, production came to a halt. Governments around the world enforced health and safety regulations, resulting in a massive disruption to manufacturing operations.

The pandemic raised concerns about whether normal production would ever resume. While China has made a gradual return to production, other regions, such as the United States and Europe, are still struggling to get back to regular vehicle production. Manufacturing shutdowns have not only impacted production levels but have also led to massive financial losses, directly impacting the GDP. To overcome this challenge, automotive companies need to embrace industry 4.0 for efficiency and manufacturing resilience.

Less Vehicle Sales

Another critical challenge faced by the automotive industry during COVID-19 is reduced vehicle sales. The pandemic has led to a significant decline in car sales due to statewide lockdowns, social distancing regulations, and shutdowns of manufacturing units. Consumers' priorities shifted during the pandemic, and purchasing a vehicle became a low priority for many.

This decline in sales has resulted in excess inventory, high levels of debt, and demand uncertainty. The industry has experienced financial losses, with the UK automotive industry alone losing GBP 1.3 billion in sales in 2020. To address this challenge, automotive companies need to explore innovative strategies to restore consumer confidence and adapt their business models to the changing landscape.

Massive Layoffs

Massive layoffs have been an overt impact of manufacturing shutdowns in the automotive industry. As the pandemic spread, many companies were forced to lay off a significant number of employees to cope with the financial losses. This challenge has had a direct impact on the workforce, with companies like Nissan and AB Volvo announcing layoffs.

While some companies have provided benefits and support to their employees during this time, dealing with the workforce remains a consistent challenge for the automotive industry. It will take time for the industry to stabilize and recover fully, and automakers will need to find ways to support their employees and navigate through this challenging period.

Disrupted Supply Chain

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic brought about an immediate halt in current production, disrupting supply chains worldwide. China, which was impacted early on by the pandemic, saw a significant impact on its vehicle manufacturing, leading to disruptions in the global supply chain.

Automotive supply chains, which are often spread across different countries, faced disorganization and disruption as each country imposed its own protocols post-pandemic. The bottleneck in semiconductor manufacturing and the push for electric mobility have added additional